As the site offers non-touchable, non-returnable goods, we cannot offer refunds or exchanges after the product has been purchased. You accept it before purchasing any product on the website. Please read the product description carefully before you make a purchase.

To receive refund requests

You have not received the Template from the My Account area or by email or postal mail or phone or web chat or other means.

If refund requests are not received:

You can get the activation/license key from the My Account area or by email or postal mail or phone or web chat or other means.
Please note that as long as your license website is valid, the manufacturer’s website is presented and you have the product warranty you purchased.

No Refund in the below cases:

  • The buyer places the wrong order without reading the complete product description and the Template is already been delivered through email.
  • The buyer fails to download the Template file due to a poor internet connection.
  • The buyer fails to download & Edit the Template due to a lack of technical knowledge.
  • Buyers only have 10 days from the date of purchase to notify us of a template editing failure. Under no circumstances will a new template be issued after 10 days from the date of purchase.

Note: Once you purchase a template from us you get unlimited technical/editing support 24 hours a day.

Contacting us

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this refund policy, we encourage you to contact us using the details below:

Contact Here